
Five Reasons Why Training Isn’t Time-wasting

Successful contractors invest their time and money in training, knowing it will impact the overall success of the company, including the financial and mental well-being of employees.
By Kelsey Fritz
June 14, 2018

The construction industry has very clearly evolved over the past few decades. In just the last few years, many advancements in technology contributed to shifts in how certain work is done. It’s vital for those in the industry be proactive about seeking new information by taking advantage of or creating new training material. Successful companies invest their time and money in training, knowing it will impact the overall success of the company, including the financial and mental well-being of employees.

Following are five benefits of making an investment in employee training

1. Training Boosts Productivity

When employees receive more training, they’re discovering new ways to do work that they may not have been aware of prior to the training session. Enabling employees to gain more knowledge and expertise in their area only builds confidence in their abilities to better execute their work, which ultimately provides the customer with the best quality work. Updated and consistent training allows for increased productivity and better quality results.

2. Training Addresses Weaknesses

Training is a great tool to assess a business’ existing weaknesses. If employees go into a training and it’s clear many gaps in knowledge or areas exist with which the employees are struggling, it’s a good indicator there are weaknesses in the foundation of onboarding employees. Training also helps determine the areas specific employees could better develop. This customized attention to the employee will also help with the following point.

3. Training Increases Employee Satisfaction

With the labor shortage, it’s more important now than ever to retain good employees. Training and professional development keeps employees engaged in the business. If employees feel supported and genuinely cared about on an individual level, they’ll be more invested in the job, their work and their future at the company. Boosted satisfaction could help attract new hires as well. If employees are excited about their work, job applications could increase because of the organic positive impact of word of mouth.

4. Training Prevents Revenue Loss

If the company has constant turnover, it will impact business dollars—which could easily be prevented. Additionally, if current employees aren’t working as efficiently as possible, then revenue will be directly affected, as inefficiency will prevent the business from taking on more work. Ensuring employees are more informed and aware of the latest trends or ways of conducting certain types of work also gives the company a competitive edge. If competitors of the business are lacking in certain areas, then high-quality training could be a chance to surpass them.

5. Training Increases Safety

This is arguably the most important and key result of consistent training: Training keeps employees safe. Keeping employees up to date on properly operating and maintaining equipment ensures the safest practices are consistently followed. Highlight how this training directly impacts the employee, but also the wider team; one unsafe team member could easily be a detriment to others.

The Keys to Long-Term Success

There are also two key elements that will make a company’s training efforts successful in the long term. Those keys are to make the training concise and to remain committed to it. Training is an important way to stay connected and show investment in employees. Don’t just think about increasing training opportunities; actually plan and execute a training strategy. If companies stay consistent, they will see the results from their efforts.

by Kelsey Fritz
Kelsey is a Marketing Coordinator at Trader Interactive, which specializes in providing commercial dealers and manufacturers with products and services to establish and grow their online presence in today’s market.

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