With Great Technology Comes Great Responsibility: ABC's 2024 Joint Tech Summit Cover Art

With Great Technology Comes Great Responsibility: ABC's 2024 Joint Tech Summit

By Grace Calengor
May 1, 2024
Culture seems to be becoming a buzz word in the construction industry: company culture, safety culture, a culture of caring. But what about ...
Artificial Intelligence
Workforce Management
Data Analytics
Employing Supporting Roles for Your IT Team Cover Art

Employing Supporting Roles for Your IT Team

By Christian Burger
March 19, 2024
An IT team is typically expected to make decisions about which software to purchase, or conversely, to be responsible for technology that so...
Workforce Management
Cybersecurity for Contractors—Including How to Mitigate Cyber Attacks Cover Art

Cybersecurity for Contractors—Including How to Mitigate Cyber Attacks

By Michael Needham
December 15, 2023
Construction companies face numerous issues in the current environment, especially with increased material costs and labor shortages. Cybera...
Data Analytics
A Cybersecurity Primer for Contractors: Threats, Liability and Insurance Cover Art

A Cybersecurity Primer for Contractors: Threats, Liability and Insurance

By James T. Dixon
October 31, 2022
One of the most publicized security breaches was the 2013 hack of Target’s payment and security system. What's not as well known is that acc...
Risk Management
Fleet Managers Should Construct a Robust Cybersecurity Infrastructure Cover Art

Fleet Managers Should Construct a Robust Cybersecurity Infrastructure

By Robert Nawy
August 30, 2022
While vehicles have become safer to drive, the evolution of digital technology installed in these cars has left them open to privacy infring...
Cybercrime and Punishment Cover Art

Cybercrime and Punishment

By Catherine Wendt
August 4, 2022
In its “2021 Internet Crime Report” released this past March, the FBI identifies phishing as the top cybercrime facing the United States, wi...
Risk Management
Prevent the Chain Reaction of Cybercrime in Construction Cover Art

Prevent the Chain Reaction of Cybercrime in Construction

By Ken Chapman
July 19, 2022
Cybercriminals are now branching out to what they consider softer targets—construction companies. The construction industry was the most fre...
Risk Management
The Construction Industry Is More Vulnerable Than Ever to Cyber Attacks Cover Art

The Construction Industry Is More Vulnerable Than Ever to Cyber Attacks

By Dan Hanson
July 11, 2022
Over the past decade, the construction industry has become more and more reliant on technology, in particular to help manage a widely distri...
The Future Is Now: Emerging Cybersecurity Issues in Construction Tech Cover Art

The Future Is Now: Emerging Cybersecurity Issues in Construction Tech

By Richard Volack
July 5, 2022
The construction industry traditionally has been resistant to change. However, recently, whether it is a desire to get away from the early d...
Artificial Intelligence
Ransomware Attacks Double the Trouble Cover Art

Ransomware Attacks Double the Trouble

By Construction Executive
May 4, 2022
Ransomware attacks almost doubled in 2021, rising 92.7% year-over-year, according to NCC Group’s 2021 Annual Threat Monitor. The most-target...

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Ransomware Disproportionately Affects Construction

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Construction is the number-one industry targeted by ransomware attacks.
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Construction Technology and Software Rundown: October 29, 2021

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Insurance Rates: What to Expect in 2022

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As insurance underwriters become more selective and add restrictive endorsements, contractors should negotiate terms before renewal or find a broker who understands the market and construction.

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