
Construction Technology and Software Rundown: Aug. 21, 2020

Here's a rundown of the latest in construction software and technology.
By Marla McIntyre
August 19, 2020


Kaia Health’s back pain management app is a multimodal digital therapy program for back pain that focuses on physical therapy, relaxation exercises and medical education. Working with experts in various medical fields, the company uses machine learning to deliver individualized app interventions that aim to empower and motivate patients to take control and self-manage their condition with digital alternatives.

Corecon Technologies' new Corecon Mobile appincludes a new user interface and navigation functions to view and add construction project information; immediate access to timecards, expenses and daily logs; lead/job opportunity tracking functions; and workflow for transaction approvals. Other features include biometric options to login; separate read and edit forms; streamlined data entry process; clock in/clock out feature with geotagging; email options for journals and RFIs; and quality control and safety features.


ThirdEye's X2 MR Glassesprovide an all-in-one hands-free solution for construction workers, so workers can create 3D CAD models by scanning a room/object, utilize the built-in SLAM to accurately overlay 3D CAD models in the real world, and obtain a heat signature of what’s being looked at. The glasses measure worker fatigue and track task time of all workers through the built-in device management platform. This infographic has information on how AR/MR is impacting the field service industry as a whole.

Sena Industrial MeshPort adapters retrofit existing Bluetooth headsets or employees’ Bluetooth headsets. MeshPort Blue allows any Bluetooth headset brand to integrate into a Mesh network so users can take advantage of Sena’s Mesh Intercom capabilities. The MeshPort Red adapter supports the integration of tablet PCs and smartphones and is ideal for connecting remote teams with onsite teams by integrating smartphones and tablets into one mesh system.

Software & In the Cloud

ViZZ is a disruptive visual intelligence (VI) software company that pairs 3D virtualization and AI to enable users to contextualize projects, information and environments digitally. ViZZ captures a project's fragmented data sources and builds an aggregated knowledge base that's easily accessible to all parties. ViZZ enables users to create intelligent digital twins to enable rapid and informed decisions while improving efficiencies, accuracy and profits. ViZZ's 3D virtualization software is ideal for integration within smart cities, workplaces, homes and communities.

Autodesk Construction Cloud has released several updates. PlanGrid now includes Sequential Editing in Field Reports. BIM 360 updates cover checklist Improvements, cost tracking, cost management supplier and owner access, updated issue form and screenshot, insight and reporting enhancements, additional capabilities to data connector, assets and issue enhancements, and linked activities in BIM 360 Plan. Other updates include BuildingConnected Pro and Bid Board Pro.

Partnerships, Acquisitions & Integrations

Foundation Software/Payroll4Construction is partnering with Thomas Bravo, a private equity investment firm that provides capital and strategic support to management teams and technology companies.

Aurigo now integrates with Autodesk Construction Cloud. The integration, specifically between Masterworks and PlanGrid, improves collaboration between public and private infrastructure owners and contractors, allowing teams to drive productivity on capital projects and capture accurate project records to support ongoing infrastructure maintenance and operations.

CalAmp and Caterpillar are partnering to increase the connectivity of telematics devices across Caterpillar fleets and industrial and construction equipment, opening the door for increased data insights, machine monitoring and improved operations. CalAmp is delivering 4G devices, including replacement devices, to accelerate the migration of Caterpillar's connected assets to more ubiquitous connectivity, including LTE.

by Marla McIntyre

Marla McIntyre is a digital editor of CE This Week and She edited Construction Executive’s Tech Trends and Risk Management eNewsletters and is the author of more than 200 articles and publications, including Construction Executive’s annual technology predictions, Technology & Software Rundown column and an award-winning series for the Risk Management Association. Her extensive construction and risk management background includes stints as executive director the Surety Information Office and American Subcontractors Association of Metro Washington.

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