
What Are the Top Lessons Your Company Has Learned Since COVID-19 Has Struck?

Industry veterans share the top lessons learned since the start of the pandemic.
By Construction Executive
May 17, 2020

Scott Cox
Cox Fire Protection Inc.
Tampa, Florida

Fortunately, our day-to-day processes look different, but business is going successfully. Unfortunately, we realize that we will feel the greatest impact in the months to come. To prepare, Cox is in the process of providing additional cross-training, anticipating that some employees may be furloughed or faced with taking family or sick time.

We have had to adapt to working remotely. All salaried employees have access to our systems remotely so that they can access our shared database and work files from anywhere.

The amount of information that a business owner is responsible for learning at this moment in time is overwhelming. We are responsible for complying with laws and rules that change day by day. Associated Builders and Contractors has played an integral role for our company as a central funneling point for accurate information on every topic imaginable. Industry stakeholders have truly come together to pool critical information to help us all navigate waters that are new to everyone.

Jared Kredit
K2 Electric

We have learned the importance of being flexible and nimble. It seems like each day has new challenges or new information to consider, so adapting our action plans quickly and, sometimes, even pivoting 180 degrees from a previous plan is necessary within this new environment.

We have learned the importance of contingency planning. Even though some the discussions were only a few weeks or even days in advance, the planning we engaged in regarding how to switch the office team to telecommuting and how to respond to any possible COVID-19 exposure was invaluable when we then had to execute on those plans.

Having cash or easy access to it (bank line of credit, etc.) is critical in a time like this. We have especially learned the value of having that box checked prior to this type of event so that it’s one less thing to be worrying about among many other business challenges.

Chuck Goodrich
President & CEO
Gaylor Electric

Flexible people don’t get bent out of shape. It has been key for all of us to be flexible in order to make the necessary adjustments as we navigate through this crisis.

Priorities on a jobsite can often change, so we take the needed action. When we received word that face masks covering the nose and mouth needed to be worn by everyone on a particular project, we not only complied with the owner’s wishes, but also we took the opportunity to send instructional links to all our employees so they could make their own face masks. More projects are adding safety and health requirements like having workers take their temperatures as well. With each adjustment, we communicate the “why” behind doing it.

Our leadership team carves out time to prepare so we are ready for opportunities. We are committed to staying proactive during this time and remain resolute in providing our cornerstone of reliable resources, outcomes and insights while demonstrating genuine care for people in all we do.

by Construction Executive

Construction Executive, an award-winning magazine published by Associated Builders and Contractors, is the leading source for news, market developments and business issues impacting the construction industry. CE helps its more than 50,000 print readers understand and manage risk, technology, economics, legal challenges and more to run more profitable and productive businesses.

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