Smart Questions to Ask About a Fire Alarm System
Modern fire alarms systems integrate with other building functions for a safe building environment. Involving a system designer in the early design phase can make or break a project.
By Tom Parrish
May 6, 2019
by Tom Parrish
Tom Parrish, SET, CFPS, PSP, has more than 25 years’ experience in fire protection and emergency response. He has held positions with municipal fire, law enforcement and emergency medical services and in private industry system design and installation programs. Today, he still serves as an on-call firefighter certified in firefighting, emergency medical treatment and hazardous materials response. He serves on several NFPA technical committees and is a regular presenter at its meetings and seminars. His professional credentials include Level IV NICET Certified Fire Alarm Technician, Level III NICET Inspections and Testing, and Master Electrician. He is also board certified as a Physical Security Professional by ASIS. Telgian is a worldwide provider of fire protection, security and life safety services
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