
Mold—It’s Still Growing!

Understanding how mold can affect a project and having a plan and resources in place to deal with the risks are keys to avoiding issues that could lead to claims and litigation.
By Kim Altsuler, Gregory H. Chertoff, William ‘Chip’ D’Angelo and R. Christopher Spicer
June 8, 2021
by Kim Altsuler
Kim Altsuler has a diverse litigation practice and her concentration is in all aspects of residential construction, from contracting through dispute resolution. She is in Peckar & Abramson’s Houston office.
by Gregory H. Chertoff
Gregory H. Chertoff specializes in construction law, regularly counseling general contractors, construction managers and owners on contract negotiations, risk management and disputes in Peckar & Abramson’s New York office. 
by William ‘Chip’ D’Angelo

 Chip D’Angelo has more than 40 years of experience in environmental consulting, industrial hygiene and building remediation management. 

by R. Christopher Spicer
R. Christopher Spicer, CIH, CHMM, CSP, has more than 25 years of experience in environmental consulting, which includes management of several multi-million dollar asbestos abatement design and remediation projects in commercial, industrial, and institutional facilities across the United States. 

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