Legal and Regulatory

COVID-19 Workplace Safety Guidance for Federal Contractors

Federal contractors and subcontractors providing services to the federal government should begin preparing now to implement guidelines for COVID-19 workplace safety.
By Michael Schrier, Thomas Godar, Barbara Grandjean, Tom O’Day and Brian Hendrix
October 18, 2021
Legal and Regulatory
by Michael Schrier
Michael J. Schrier is in Husch Blackwell’s Washington, D.C office. He is currently a member of the ABA Public Contract Law Section Council, formerly a Co-Chair of the ABA Public Contract Law Section’s Employment Safety and Labor Committee.
by Thomas Godar
Thomas Godar is in Husch Blackwell’s Madison, Wisconsin office where he practices in the firm’s Labor & Employment practice group.
by Barbara Grandjean
Barbara Grandjean focuses on labor and employment law in Husch Blackwell’s Denver office.
by Tom O’Day
Tom O'Day focuses on labor and employment law in Husch Blackwell’s Madison, Wisconsin office.
by Brian Hendrix
Brian Hendrix is a member of Husch Blackwell’s Safety & Health practice team in the Washington, D.C office. 

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