
Location Intelligence: A Common Framework for Accelerated Change in Society

Industries can capitalize on advancements in location intelligence to improve work.
By Tony Agresta
January 17, 2023

Ninety percent of the world’s data was created in the last two years and that is due, in large part, to the technological advancements being made across sectors and industries. These advancements have redefined the way society works and are setting a new pace for development on both the local and national levels. With all this data at our fingertips, though, it can be challenging to set a standard for data that informs development across industries, enabling them to look at every aspect of our world; aspects such as traffic patterns, weather patterns, demographics, construction activity and so much more.

So, how can industries capitalize on the technological advancements of today to improve work while ensuring the information they’re referencing is accurate and up to date? Location intelligence allows us to extrapolate meaningful insights from geospatial data in order to answer questions underscored by and related to location.

An Advanced Solution for a Common Problem

We all know what it feels like to be in stand-still traffic or needing to add an extra hour to the commute to account for congestion on our customary routes. Traffic delays and accidents—which often come as a result of congestion—are expensive, time consuming and can be difficult to predict. But what if that weren’t the case? Location intelligence can provide local governments with real-time insights into the daily traffic patterns that define travel in their cities or towns. This automotive blueprint gives municipalities the means to identify areas of increased traffic flow and effectively reroute drivers to keep cities moving.

In many cities, unbelievable amounts of traffic are a daily occurrence and are often a defining characteristic of the area. Take Los Angeles, for example—the city of angels is notorious for its gridlock traffic patterns, making it one of the most problematic cities to travel in. In fact, in 2021, metro Los Angeles was ranked as the sixth most congested city in the country with an average of 62 hours lost to traffic. By integrating location intelligence technology, city planners have the ability to see what’s currently happening on the ground while also collecting insights over time, allowing them to predict where traffic will take place due to patterns identified in the imagery. This information is invaluable when it comes to planning new traffic routes and updating current routes because it gives planners and construction crews accurate information to base their decisions from.

A Weather Forecast

We’re continuing to see weather patterns be redefined by climate change, and while location intelligence technology can’t solve these issues, it can give us insight into emerging trends including how local and national weather patterns have shifted over time, the geographies experiencing the greatest impact and how we can better predict and plan for weather systems.

Annual precipitation has increased over United States land areas and worldwide. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency cites that, since 1901, precipitation has increased at an average rate of 0.2 inches per decade over the attached 48 states. From 2000 to 2022, approximately 20% to 70% of land area across the United States experienced conditions that were unusually dry at any given time. Conversely, river flooding in the Northeast and Midwest and smaller parts in the West, southern Appalachia and northern Michigan has increased in frequency. Location intelligence and geospatial data allow states and local governments to see how these changes have impacted land over time and acts as a tool to help predict future weather systems based on patterns in the data.

Geospatial data and geographic information systems (GIS) provide greater depth and understanding of the information that is, oftentimes, overlooked but highly valuable across industries and audiences. For governments, it aids in designing weather relief plans; for first responders, when identifying areas most vulnerable when weather catastrophes strike; and for commercial development firms when scouting viable sites for development. Location intelligence empowers cities and states to proactively plan for the results of new weather system patterns in their area with high-resolution imagery and accurate data.

A New Way to Look At Development

Urbanization efforts have skyrocketed in recent years with $91 billion worth of commercial real estate being built in 2021 alone. Geospatial data and GIS provide commercial construction companies with invaluable data that allows them to feel confident in the decisions they make when sourcing locations for future development projects.

In the past, maps have been two-dimensional references for developers to use when planning projects. But geospatial data and GIS help create interactive and three-dimensional maps teeming with data that informs the planning, decision, and development of a commercial venture. Actionable insights pulled from this data guide construction companies every step of the way with visual touchpoints they can continuously reference throughout the process, ensuring the work being done is well-informed. Location intelligence also means that successful projects are repeatable.

Location intelligence is paving a path forward for governments and construction companies to not only see how the world around them is evolving but turn them into active participants that proactively address everyday challenges. Whether it's identifying traffic patterns and creating solutions or seeing how weather patterns have evolved over time, location intelligence is providing municipalities with a new canvas to work from. Construction companies are leveraging location intelligence to create successful and replicable projects for future development, streamlining the urbanization process. Location intelligence provides stakeholders with the tools they need today in order to build the society of tomorrow.

by Tony Agresta

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